Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Too Close for Comfort...?

Now more than ever we need to be concerned with how our waste gets disposed. The fact remains that there is a super fund site about 5 miles from my house which isn't that far but the scary thought is that this site is only 2 1/2 miles from two wellfields which are then pumped to the Biscayne Aquifer which is the sole source of drinking water for Dade County, Florida. That thought alone scares me thinking what if one day it gets to a point where we cannot reverse this process and all our drinking water in contaminated. Water is the source to all life and if we continue to be so negligent with out waste we will not only be dooming our lives but that of all living things. This site is called the NORTHWEST 58TH STREET LANDFILL. You can read more information on this site by going to

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